International in situ projects
You can find a list of all the in situ projects supported as part of the “3 CZK for Wildlife“ program here.
Main supported projects

The Kukang Rescue Program
Protection of slow lorises and the fight against illegal wildlife trade (Indonesia - Sumatra).

TSNM Conservation Programme
Conservation and research of the critically endangered Tonkin snub-nosed monkey (Vietnam).

Coffee and Primate Conservation Project
Conservation of the endangered silvery gibbon and other primates (Indonesia - Java).

Kozmice Bird Meadows
Management cenných přírodních lokalit a ochrana biodiverzity (Česká republika).

Proyecto Cardenal Amarillo
Saving endangered yellow cardinals (Argentina).

Research and protection of the Nias hill myna and other critically endangered species and ecosystems (Indonesia).

Vesna Panglao Conservation
Conservation of the underwater ecosystem of coral reefs off Panglao Island (Philippines).

Delacour’s Langur Project
Conservation of critically endangered Delacour's langurs (Vietnam).
Other supported projects

Goodeid Working Group
Research and reintroduction of the critically endangered tequila splitfin fish and protection of its habitat (Mexico).

Turtle Foundation
Conservation of leatherback sea turtles on the island of Sipora (Indonesia).

Trenggiling Conservation Program
Protection of pangolins and reduction of illegal trade in them (Sumatra).

Antelope Conservation
Conservation of threatened antelopes in the Sub-Saharan region (Africa).

Crane Life
Monitoring and conservation of cranes (Czech Republic).
Increasing children's environmental literacy and promoting a sustainable way of life (Indonesia).

KASI Foundation
Breeding of endangered songbirds and rehabilitation of individuals seized from the black market (Indonesia - Java)

Saola Working Group
The most experienced conservationists and biologists in Southeast Asia cooperating to save the saola from extinction (Laos, Vietnam).

Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme
Rescue and rehabilitation of orangutans and protection of their natural environment (Indonesia - Sumatra).

Vulture Conservation Foundation
Conservation of European vulture populations and their habitat (Europe).

Endangered Primate Rescue Center
Rescue, rehabilitation, breeding, research, and protection of endangered primates (Vietnam).

Program Sahamalaza
Conservation of the critically endangered blue-eyed black lemur and other animals (Madagascar).

Sulawesi Keepers
Conservation of endemic freshwater fauna of the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia).

Return of the golden eagle to the Czech Republic
Conservation project "Return of the golden eagle to the Czech Republic".
Projects we supported in the past:

Elephant Disease Research
A public fundraiser for research into elephant diseases such as the deadly herpes virus.

Project Poksai
Research on the Sumatran laughingthrush, an endemic songbird of the island of Sumatra (Indonesia).

We protect sea turtles
Conservation of sea turtles in the Berau area (Indonesia - Kalimantan).

Waste sorting in Kuta Male
Waste reduction and sorting in the village of Kuta Male (Indonesia - Sumatra).
Ostrava Zoo projects in the Czech Republic:
In situ projects supported by the Ostrava Zoo
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) Campaigns
The World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy (WZACS)
- The WZACS can be downloaded from WAZA's website:
Current research projects by the Ostrava Zoo
- Suckling behaviour of captive plains zebra (Equus burchellii)
- The influence of artificial light on the welfare of nine primate species in Ostrava Zoo
- Analysis of infant mortality in highly endangered Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) - Project was successfully finished in 2007 and its results were published in Biological Conservation (139 /3-4/: pp. 457-461).